
Monday, 24 February 2014


After 6 months of blogging my blog has changed and adapted a lot. I have really enjoyed blogging, but I feel that more change is needed. Lately I have been very busy with my third year of University (no excuses) but I'm looking for a way to blog more to keep myself and readers more engaged in a way that fits around my time. So, I have decided to add some #OOTD or #TIW post's to my blog. All of you fashion bloggers out there I am sure are very familiar with these hashtags,  but for any of you who are not #OOTD stands for Outfit of the Day and #TIW stands for Today I'm Wearing. When incorporated into blogs they are great way to get fashion inspiration which is something I have taken from these posts when reading fashion blogs over the past few months. I have decided to create my own posts, as I thought it would be a great way to put some of my charity shop finds and and bargains into context. I hope you enjoy my future outfits of the day and also a daily quote too! 


Emma Dilemma 

P.S. Quote of the day: "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." 
- George Bernard Shaw 


  1. Thanks for clarifying what the hashtags mean! Sounds like a great idea, I always love what you wear so I'll be looking for inspiration :) I also love your quote as always!

    1. Thanks Nat, hopefully you'll enjoy the posts :).

